@ Troubled Mind and Rebel8
The Oracle
JoinedPosts by The Oracle
How Did You Become An Atheist?
by NewChapter insince there seem to be a number of threads in this spirit, i'd like to ask how others became atheists.
for myself, i learned some things that made me understand the bible wasn't true.
i looked deeper, and it became even more unlikely.
The start of Armageddon
by Armageddon-Messenger in<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
The Oracle
You are hilarious Cedars!
Thanks for the quality laugh!
The Oracle
Is it possible to attend a KH with a GB member in it?
by Greybeard inwhat kingdom halls do the governing body attend?
my guess is they go to private meetings.
it is very clear the rules that apply to all jw's do not apply to them.
The Oracle
Greybeard - that is funny! "Toss a jar of blood fractions on them and video it" - lol.
Ofcourse that would be an agressive action and wrong to do, but the visual image is quite funny.
In a way I feel sorry for the GB, but at other times I am disgusted with them. They can't all be that stupid. I am sure most of them have had an awakening and realize they are perpetuating false teachings and a pipe dream, yet they are too weak to leave. Too weak to stand up for what is truly right. Too weak to leave the lazy confines of their institution and have to get jobs or be taken care of by the world. It's sad.
I think it's appropriate that we take a moment to salute the bravery of a real man with inner strength and goodness - Raymond Franz.
Rest in Peace! He was truly one of the good guys.
The Oracle
The Oracle
Hi Zatang,
Welcome to the board. I was an active JW and involved with HR and my advice to you would be to try and be resepctful of this local custom and support to the fullest extent that your belief system and internal moral code will allow.
The most important thing is not to violate any principles that you as an individual truly believe are important, regardless of what your religion teaches. Soemtimes your internal convictions may even conflict with your MUSLIM FAITH. When this occurs you must go with what YOU feel is right. To deny your own internal sense of right and wrong is the greatest crime.
Wars and conflicts of all kinds have been fueled by people sticking to their religious views over their own sense of right and wrong. So my encouragement to you is evalauate your challenge with an honest heart and mind - and do what you think is right.
Best of luck to you! And once again, welcome to the board. I hope that you can continue to post - even on other other topics. It is very interesting to be able to review your perspective and opinions.
Peace to you,
The Oracle
Fiji Bethel Scandal
by Mattieu indoes anyone remember the scandal that rocked fiji in appx early 1992?
i have searched this site and found no reference to it.
so, hoping someone here might remember the finer details and whatever happened to the guilty culprits....... my best mate was in the australian bethel at the time, and on a trip back home to melbourne he caught up with me and told me most of the details.
The Oracle
Welcome aboard KAIVITI!
Thanks for the information.
You have to love the purity of God's org. :)
The Oracle
The Oracle
This thread reminded me of just how absurd the bible stories are.
Noah's Flood and the Nephilim.
The Tower of Babel and the birth of many new languages.
The hospitality of Lot - offering his two daughters to be raped by the crowd, instead of the two strangers in his house.
Abraham willing to stab his son on the mountaintop.
Jehovah getting pissed at Cain for sacficiing vegetables instead of animals
Oh the list is endless.
The Oracle
I've been enlightened.
by Emery inive been lurking for quite sometime and now feel the need to come and noob it up.
it's taken a lot to bring me to read anything critical of the wts.
i used to glance at these apostate sites and shutter in fear because of the obvious demonic venom that can be found :) i am still an active witness and have been in this struggle to stay both in and be removed mentally from this organization.
The Oracle
Hi Emery!
Welcome to the Forum.
Excellent post.
You have begun a most interesting journey.
Wishing you the best as make your moves to remove yourself and start enjoying the rest of your life.
The joys that await you are unspeakably wonderful!
If you need any help or advice as you move forward let us know. We are here to help and support.
My family and I successfully left and have never looked back.
Enjoy the Journey.
The Oracle
JW Longo Story on ABC TV July 11th "Final Witness"
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.thefutoncritic.com/listings/20120611abc02/.
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
The Oracle
I'll check it out.
Hopefully there is some eye opening bad publicity for JWs.
We need a steady of stream of media that contstantly embarasses thinking JW's so that we can flush them out.
It's amazing just how poorly thought of JWs really are in the real world. When you are IN it, you are bombarded with so much propoganda - you get fooled in to beleiving JWs have this wonderful reputation among decent people in the world. Honest, law abiding citizens, etc etc.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you are a JW - you should know that you are looked down upon - NOT because you are being persecuted for your faith, but because you are part of a very unsavory and backwards movement. It's embarassing. If you have any pride, we encourage you to make a plan to get yourself and your family OUT.
Peace to all,
The Oracle
No more 3-day DCs starting in 2013?
by respectful_observer inapologies if there is another recent thread on this, but i have heard from 4 different people in 3 different geographic areas (including someone who does advance work for the dcs), that beginning in 2013 the three day dc program will be replaced by a second two-day circuit assembly.
some people were passing the info along like a secret, others seemed to think that everyone already knew.. if everyone in j-dub land is already talking about this, how is it not all over this forum??.
anyway, can anyone confirm or deny?.
The Oracle
what is most significant is the quality of people still in, and being added....
the quality of people is on a VERY SERIOUS DOWNTURN....
intelligent people are leaving in escalating numbers
there will always be people with low intelligence, or who are simply troubled souls, who will flock to a high control group that offers refuge from the real world
This is the fundamental problem facing the JW kingdom. The people basically suck.... with exceptions of course...but the trend is undeniable.
That is why the WT has no future.
If you are a JW, you seriously have to get working on a plan to get yourself, your family and friends OUT - so you can start enjoying the rest of your life.
It's never too late.
The Oracle
No more 3-day DCs starting in 2013?
by respectful_observer inapologies if there is another recent thread on this, but i have heard from 4 different people in 3 different geographic areas (including someone who does advance work for the dcs), that beginning in 2013 the three day dc program will be replaced by a second two-day circuit assembly.
some people were passing the info along like a secret, others seemed to think that everyone already knew.. if everyone in j-dub land is already talking about this, how is it not all over this forum??.
anyway, can anyone confirm or deny?.
The Oracle
Jehovah's Celestial Chariot is at full gallop!
7 day to 4 day to 3 day to 2 day! The progress is astonishing and triumphant!
Can't you blinded opposers of truth see the light getting brighter?
It is food at the proper time.... we are getting exactly what we need, when we need it, and in the perfect dosages.
Our GOD is not one to be mocked!
The Oracle